You all met Daisy the other day, so I thought you should meet her big brother, Stewie =^.^=
Stewie is a 6-year-old Tabby Cat who I fell in love with at the SPCA.
Stewie's "Likes"
• Eating people food (especially string cheese and Fig Newtons)
• Eating cat food (mealtime is the high point of the day!)
• Chewing on anything plastic
• Balancing on anything narrow (he's such a show off!)
• Playing with the wire cat toy thingy
• Getting scratches behind his ears or on his forehead
• Licking his belly which is almost bald (over-groomer!)
• Napping
• Watching his new little sister, Daisy, and her spastic kitten antics (he's always giving me that look that says, "What the heck is she doing?"
Stewie's "Dislikes"
• Going to the vet (especially the part when they take his temperature)
• Having his nails clipped
• Waiting for me to wake up to give him breakfast
• Riding in the car
• That stupid cat outside that keeps teasing him
That's my lil buddy. He's the cutest :D
1 comment:
Awww hi Stewie!! =^.^=
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