Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Suggestions please?

Hey gang!

Ya know... I just finished putting out some new jeans and tees, and I'm a little-jeans-and-teed-out, so I'm looking for a new fun project. The other night, Noam gave me an adorable shoe idea I'm definitely gonna take a shot at (my prim work has something to be desired I would love to get some input from my fellow bloggers (if you don't mind, that is)... sooo, if there's a Posy-perfect idea you'd like to suggest, I would love to hear it! Something that you haven't seen in-world, but would like to... something you have seen, but would like to see Posy's spin on it... neko-related... human-related... anything! If I use your idea, I'll give ya lots of free stuff :D

Meow for now!


Anonymous said...

OH make a poodle skirt... just minus the poodle.

Anonymous said...

This, this, this!

Anonymous said...

Not a clothes idea, but I want neko-stockings to hang up for Christmas! My tree is all lonely.

Posy Trudeau said...

oooo! I love all the ideas!

Kalia Meiklejohn said...

You know what I'd love and would never take off...bondage pants with flexi straps...OMG, I would love you forever =)

Posy Trudeau said...

Kalia: Do you have a pic you can send to me?

Kalia Meiklejohn said...

Took a while to get back here, how would you like that pic? In world?