Monday, January 15, 2007

Dimples! New skins at Miau Haus!!!

Okay, I was totally distracted from all my other projects this weekend, and decided to make a new line of skins... a tedious endeavor... and one that I didn't think I would want to try again so soon. Buuut... I went to the movies during the weekend and saw "Casino Royale," and like most of my friends (noteably Noam), melted at the sight of Daniel Craig and his icy blue eyes and yes... those killer dimples. Goes to show ya, you never know where your next good idea will come from!

I don't think I've seen skin with dimples in SL, so hopefully this skin line is somewhat original (I haven't shopped for skins in a long time, since I've been making them). Anyhow, here they are in all their cuteness-filled glory! Now someone needs to come up with a cheek-pinching animation!

Miau for now!


Rosie said...

Wow! Great idea Posy!!! You are so cute!

Noam said...

Mmmm Daniel Craig....*purrs*

Your skins as always kick ass Posy Cat.

Anonymous said...

awwww dimples are so adorable!! these are so cute!!

Ru-る said...

Kudos, Posy!! Original *and* cute. <3